Thursday, February 18, 2010

Goodbye Hospital!

My dad was released from the hospital on Wednesday Feb. 17th at about 2 pm. He will still be in Utah for another 3 to 4 weeks receiving tests to monitor the anti-rejection drugs he will be taking the rest of his life. They kept the two drains on his sides in this time so that the fluids can drain off for a few more days. The infection could have been caused from taking the drains out to early so they are keeping them in longer this time. He will have an IV in for another week so they can drip antibiotics, they were originally going to leave the IV in for 4 weeks so my dad was happy to hear they only will keep it in for 1 week. The doctors also said they are going to start giving him less and less of the anti-rejection drugs to balance them with what his body needs. That is a good thing because the drugs make him really sick to his stomach.

The doctors are still worried about infection and are watching him closely. If any infection is still there they will have to do a third surgery which is not a fun thought at all. Other than that my dad is very happy to be out of the hospital sleeping in a normal bed and having my mom and aunt be the nurses.


  1. Yay! It is always a good day getting to go home from the hospital!:)

  2. I just found the blog, thanks for all your work to keep us informed. We love your folks and can't wait to get your dad back in Rexburg. He sounded good today, hopefully he'll be home soon. Besides, I have alot of work for him to do! I love you Rob!

    Chris Moore
