Thursday, March 18, 2010

Report from Clinic Visit and Mike

I visited the transplant clinic on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. My visit brought all good news. They started reducing the anti-rejection medications. That is great news because it reduces the side effects of the medications. I take medications at 9 am and at 9 pm. My evening meds are down to four pills (morning is still more than that). My liver numbers still look great. I found a record of my blood numbers from 1994. I cannot remember the last time my numbers looked as good as they do now. A healthy liver is a great blessing. For example, the normal range for GGT is 15-85. In 1994 my GGT was 1187 and the other day it was 37. We are talking major benefits from a new liver. They are also reducing my blood draws from twice a week to once a week. I have gained eight pounds in two weeks. I feel terrific. I feel better than I have felt in years. I am walking over a mile a day. I am going to church on Sunday (no handshaking or getting within four feet of others). I don't remember having so much energy. It is a miracle. Every day is a gift.
Because of the patients in the waiting room, clinic visits can be scary and humbling. I have seen a young child in the last stages of liver disease. My heart literally ached. This time I saw Mike. Mike is 34 but my dad guessed him to be in his early 60's. Mike came in with his mother. When I first saw Mike, I was shocked by his appearance. He was in a wheelchair being pushed by his mother. Mike looked like he belonged in the movie Avatar except his skin was greenish yellow instead of blue. The darkness of the color and the hue of the color were the same as in Avatar. He looked like he was covered with halloween makeup. My heart immediately went out to Mike. Obviously he was suffering. His mother said when she woke up that morning, he was that color. The doctors told her his liver was failing. Mike was not very coherent because the toxins were in his brain (maybe that is a tender mercy). Without a transplant, Mike will probably not make it through the weekend. His mother is such a kind person. She was in tears. I told her my thoughts and prayers were with her and Mike. I expressed sorrow for his suffering. I have not been able to get him off of my mind.
I still find myself asking why Mike is going through that and I didn't. It was my "gratitude to the Rose family" moment for the day. I sincerely thank all who have elected to be an organ donor and to all who have talked to family members about being an organ donor. "Mike" needs us all to spread the word. You have all been so good to think of me and remember me in my time of need. This weekend, could you please remember Mike and his family.


  1. Some people are SO strong! Some people can endure so much more than I ever could. Mike, the Rose family, and many others are a great example of amazing people living tough lives but doing it amazingly well! Dad, you are also one of those people to me- the fact that you don't consider yourself amazing is even more amazing. I love you and cannot express how grateful I am to have you back!

  2. It is so wonderful to see you feeling so good, and like you said you haven't been the way you are now, for years! I will pray for Mike, I hope that he gets a life changing liver too. Love you!
